Galerija Doma omladine Beograda raspisuje konkurs za izlaganje u 2020. godini (55. sezona). Konkurs je otvoren od 5. juna do 15. jula 2019. godine za samostalne umetnike i kustoske izložbe-projekte iz zemlje i inostranstva. Konačnu odluku o izabranim projektima za izlaganje u Galeriji donosi Savet Galerije Doma omladine Beograda. Konkurs je otvoren za umetnice i umetnike do 40 godina starosti.



Prijave za konkurs moraju biti u PDF formatu, ne većem od 5MB i moraju sadržati sledeće:

1. Podatke o izlagaču ili izlagačima: ime i prezime, mejl adresa, broj telefona i biografija (do 2000 karaktera sa razmacima)
2. Koncept projekta (do 3000 karaktera sa razmacima)
3. Tehničku specifikaciju projekta
4. Vizuelnu prezentaciju projekta kroz najviše 10 reprodukcija (reprodukcije slika, crteža, skulptura, skicu projekta, kadrove iz video radova,…)
5. Predloge i opise dodatnih programa tokom trajanja izložbe (ukoliko je planirano)
*Sve gore navedene informacije se moraju naći u jednom PDF dokumentu, u suprotnom, aplikacija neće biti uzeta u razmatranje
**PDF dokument mora da nosi ime umetnika ili projekta


Prijave slati na galerijakonkurs2020@domomladine.org 
Sve prijave koje stignu nakon ponoći 15. jula 2019, neće biti prihvaćene.

Za sve dodatne informacije zainteresovani se mogu obratiti Domu omladine Beograda, putem mejla dobinfo@domomladine.org.
Rezultati konkursa biće saopšteni najkasnije do kraja septembra 2019. godine.

Uslovi izlaganja i obaveze izlagača definišu se naknadno, ugovorom.


Belgrade Youth Center Gallery is announcing the open call for the exhibiting season of the year 2020. The open call lasts from June 5th through July 15th and it is intended for artists and curated projects from Serbia and abroad. The final selection of the projects will be made by the Belgrade Youth Center Gallery Council.
Artists that apply for the solo exhibition must not be over 40 years of age.

The applications must be in PDF format, not bigger than 5MB and must consist of the following:

  1. Information about the artist (or artists): first and last name, e-mail address, telephone number and biography (not longer than 2000 characters with spaces)
    2. Concept of the project (not longer than 3000 characters with spaces)
    3. Technical specification of the project
    4. Visual presentation of the project with no more than 10 images (images of the paintings, sculptures, drawings, video stills,…)
    5. Proposals for supporting programs (if planned)
    *All of the information above must be in one PDF file, otherwise, the application won’t be accepted
    **PDF file must be named either after the artists name or the name of the project




Proposals must be sent at galerijakonkurs2020@domomladine.org
Proposals that arrive after July 15th 2019 won’t be accepted.

For the additional information write to dobinfo@domomladine.org

The results of the open call will be published by the end of September 2019.
The terms and conditions are defined afterwards, by a contract.
