Od 29. marta do 2. aprila 2022. - Dom omladine Beograda
Predstavljamo program filmova iz međunarodne selekcije 69. Martovskog festivala, koji se takmiče u kategoriji kratkog filma (dokumentarni, igrani, animirani i eksperimentalni).

Bakin seksualni život / Babičino seksualno življenje / Granny’s Sexual Life
Francuska, Slovenija / France, Slovenia
Animirani / Animation
2021 / 13’ ’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Urška Djukić
Ko-režija i animacija / Co-directed and animated by
Émilie Pigeard
Glasovi / Voices by
Doroteja Nadrah, Jure Henigman, Mara Vilar, Božena Zabret, Bojana Ciglič
Produkcija / Produced by
Boštjan Virc, Olivier Catherin, Edwina Liard, Nidia Santiago
Producentska kuća / Production company
Studio Virc, Co-produced by Ikki Films
Četiri starice se prisećaju starih vremena kad su bile mlade i koliko su tada bili drugačiji odnosi između muškaraca i žena. Njihovi glasovi se spajaju u jedan, glas bake Vere, koja detaljno priča svoju priču. Izlet u bakinu mladost i sećanja na njen intimni život ilustruju položaj slovenačkih žena u prvoj polovini 20. veka.
Four old women reflect on their memories of old times when they were young and how different the relationships between men and women were back then. Their voices merge into one single voice, that of the grandmother Vera, who tells her story in proper detail. A trip into grandmother’s youth and the memories of her intimate life illustrate the status of Slovenian women in the first half of the 20th century.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Branka / Branka
Mađarska / Hungary
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 20’
Režija / Directed by
Ákos K. Kovács
Scenario / Written by
Ákos K. Kovács, Tamás Oláh
Produkcija / Produced by
Gábor Osváth, Zsuzsi Gyurin
Glume / Cast
Dina Mušanović, Dorottya Antóci, Nenad Pećinar, Natália Vicei
Producentska kuća / Production company
Salamandra Film, Filmfabriq
Jugoslavija, 1991. Daleko od ratišta, Branka se zapošljava u porodilištu državne bolnice. Mlada žena je sasvim sama, ali ispostavlja se da usamljenost nije najteži teret koji Branka mora da nosi. Iz bolnice nestaju novorođene bebe.
Yugoslavia, 1991. Far away from the war zones, Branka gets a job at a maternity ward of a state hospital. The young woman is all alone, but it turns out loneliness is not the hardest burden Branka has to carry. Newborns are disappearing from the hospital.
Fender / Fender
Hrvatska / Croatia
Igrani / Fiction
2022 / 22’ 16’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Bojan Radanović
Produkcija / Produced by
Maja Gros
Glume / Cast
Frano Mašković, Anja Matković, Andrej Radanović
Producentska kuća / Production company
Akademija dramske umjetnosti Zagreb, Blank
Leto 1991, Zapadna Slavonija. Nenad (40) kao Srbin dobija otkaz iz novouspostavljene hrvatske policije i oseća pritisak zbog sve veće političke nestabilnosti u zemlji. Kako bi zaštitio svoju porodicu, on napušta Hrvatsku ubeđen da je to samo privremeno i da će uskoro svi opet biti na okupu.
It was summer 1991 in Western Slavonia. Nenad (40), since he is a Serb, was recently fired from the newly established Croatian police, and due to the growing political aggravation in the country, he is under pressure. In order for his family to be spared, he decides to leave Croatia, convinced that this solution is temporary and that soon everyone will be together again.
Svetska premijera / World premiere
Interfon 15 / Intercom 15
Rumunija / Romania
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 22’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Andrei Epure
Produkcija / Produced by
Ana-Maria Gheorghe, Alexandru Teodorescu
Glume / Cast
Cosmina Stratan, Mihaela Sîrbu, Ana Ciontea, Marius Ghica
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Saga Film
Stanari zatiču ispred zgrade ženu u nesvesti. Ona stanuje na trećem spratu, ali niko joj ne zna ime. Dok čekaju hitnu pomoć, komšije razmišljaju o njenom i sopstvenim životima.
Several residents discover an unconscious woman lying in front of the block. Even though she lives on the third floor, nobody knows her name. While waiting for rescue, the neighbours reflect on her life and their own.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Jeni, malo svetlo sa zapada / Jeni, malo svjetlo sa zapada / Jenny, little ray of light from the west
Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina / Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dokumentarni / Documentary
2021 / 33’ 25’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Slobodan Simojlović
Produkcija / Produced by
Snježan Lalović, Nataša Kulašinac
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Kinoteka Republike Srpske i Matična biblioteka Istočno Sarajevo
Holanđanka Jeni Ligtenberg došla je 1993. u Pale, ratnu prestonicu Republike Srpske, kako bi donela pomoć u lekovima ratnim bolnicama. Nije verovala izveštajima zapadnih medija o karakteru rata u Bosni i Hercegovini, niti je verovala da su Srbi onakvi kakve ih ti mediji predstavljaju. Umesto da se nakon isporuke lekova vrati u mirnu Holandiju, ostala je do kraja rata u Palama u ratnoj bolnici Koran, deleći sudbinu medicinskog osoblja koje je tamo radilo i srpskog naroda kojeg je dodatno zavolela. Za svoj angažman, od strane predsednika Republike Srpske, odlikovana je ordenom „Krst milosrđa“. Tokom 3 ratne godine vodila je dnevnik koji predstavlja autentično svedočenje o ratnom periodu. Po povratku u Holandiju svojim prijateljima pričala je svoje viđenje srpskog naroda, ali što je vreme više proticalo, sve je manje bilo onih koji su je hteli slušati i biti sa njom, čak i njena rodbina. Na kraju, uz nju je ostala samo njena kćerka.
Jenny Ligtenberg came to Pale, the war capital of Republika Srpska, in 1993 from her native Netherlands to deliver medical aid for war hospitals. She didn’t believe the Western media reports on the character of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, nor the image of the Serbs represented by those media. Instead of returning to the peaceful Netherlands after delivering medicine, she remained in the Koran war hospital on Pale until the end of the war, sharing the fate of the local medical staff and the Serbian people she loved even more. For her efforts, she was awarded the Order of the Charity Cross by the President of the Republika Srpska. During the three war years, she kept a diary, an authentic testimony about the war period. Upon her return to the Netherlands, she told her friends about the Serbian people, but as years went by, fewer and fewer people were willing to listen to her and be with her, even her relatives. In the end, only her daughter remained with her.
Srpska festivalska premijera / Serbian festival premiere
Klub tišine / Club Silencio / Silent Club
Španija / Spain
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 18’ 32’’
Režija / Directed by
Irene Albanell Mellado
Scenario / Written by
Lara Stoop
Produkcija / Produced by
Christian Egea
Glume / Cast
Eva Llorach, Nicole Ferrer, Anna Mendos
Producentska kuća / Production company
Desetogodišnja Martina provodi popodne sa majkom Alehandrom. Majka i ćerka se odlično razumeju, ali njihov odnos se komplikuje zbog Alehandring dodira s drogama.
An afternoon that Martina, a ten-year-old kid, spends with her mother, Alejandra. Mother and daughter have incredible chemistry, but their relationship gets complicated because of Alejandra’s contact with drugs.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Ko je ovde lud? / Tko je ovdje lud? / Who Is Crazy Here?
Hrvatska / Croatia
Dokumentarni / Documentary
2021 / 49’ 39’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Bernardin Modrić
Produkcija / Produced by
Tiha Modrić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Istra film
Psihički obolele osobe u Domu Turnić (Rijeka) nizom aktivnosti pokušavaju da se vrate u svakodnevni život zajednice i uklone predrasude s kojima se sreću. Oni glume, pevaju, imaju svoju radio emisiju na Radio Rijeci (2017. proglašena najboljom radio emisijom u Hrvatskoj) i žive u stambenim zajednicama izvan Doma, gde se osećaju ravnopravni sa zdravim osobama.
People with mental health issues from the Turnić Home (Rijeka) are trying to return to the community’s everyday life through different activities and remove the prejudices they face. They act, sing, have their own radio show on Radio Rijeka (named the best radio show in Croatia in 2017) and live in residential communities outside the Home where they feel equal to healthy people.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Komšinica Lu / Le voisin de Lou / Lou’s Neighbour
Francuska / France
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 18’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Victoria Lafaurie & Hector Albouker
Produkcija / Produced by
Igor Auzépy, Stéphane Demoustier
Glume / Cast
Lou Lampros, Mathieu Capella
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Année Zéro
Vladimir, 17, je tajno zaljubljen u komšinicu Lu. Kada Lu odluči da se preseli kod svog dečka koji je deset godina stariji od nje, Vladimir pokušava da potisne ljubomoru i da joj pomogne.
Vladimir, 17-years-old, is secretly in love with his neighbour Lou. When Lou decides to leave her home to move in with her boyfriend – a man ten years older than her – Vladimir tries to put his jealousy aside to help her.
Regionalna premijera / Regional premiere
Laboratorija br. 2 / تاقیگەی ژمارە2 / Laboratory NO.2
Irak, Iran / Iraq, Iran
Dokumentarni / Documentary
2021 / 16’ 17’’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Edris Abdi, Aware Omar
Glumi / Cast
Heme Tofiq
Priča o starcu koji već 14 godina radi na odeljenju za obdukciju Univerziteta medicine Sulejmanija. Tokom svih 14 godina radi na jednom lešu. Konačno odlazi u penziju.
The story of an old man who has been working in the autopsy department of Sulaimaniyah University of Medical Sciences for 14 years. During these 14 years, he works on a corpse. He finally retires.
Evropska premijera / European premiere
Marko / Marko
Hrvatska, Srbija, Francuska, Slovenija / Croatia, Serbia, France, Slovenia
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 17’ 15’’
Režija / Directed by
Marko Šantić
Scenario / Written by
Goran Vojnović
Produkcija / Produced by
Jure Bušić, Slađana Petrović Varagić, Dejan Petrović, Jordane Oudin, Jure Vizjak
Glume / Cast
Feđa Stojanović, Mate Gulin, Snježana Sinovčić Šiškov, Trpimir Jurkić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Jaka produkcija, NFC Filmart, Hippocampe productions, Invida
Marko i Ankica nikada nisu preboleli smrt sina jedinca Ante, koji je poginuo u ratu. Na predlog komšije Stipe da Antinu sobu iznajme turistima Marko se duboko uvredi, ali Ankica ga nagovori da pristane. Iznajmljivanje soba je lak izvor zarade, naročito starijim osobama. Ipak, Marka muči činjenica da u krevetu njegovog sina sada spava nepoznati muškarac.
Marko and Ankica never gotten over the death of their only child Ante in the war. When their neighbour Stipe suggests renting son’s room to tourists, Marko sees that as an insult but Ankica manages to talk him into it. Renting rooms is easy money, especially for retired people, but having an unknown man sleeping in son’s bed troubles Marko a lot.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Milosrdni Anđeo / Merciful Angel
Mađarska, Srbija / Hungary, Serbia
Animirani / Animation
2021 / 9’ 39’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Bettina Sremko
Produkcija / Produced by
József Fülöp
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Animirani dokumentarac o vazdušnim napadima NATO-a 1999. godine na bivšu Jugoslaviju. Događaje možemo sagledati očima dvojice dečaka i njihovih porodica. Kombinacijom 3D animacije i 2D rotoskopije u dokumentarnom maniru posmatramo gotovo realistične likove i sekvence sna i straha izazvanog ratnom. Film je inspirisan intervjuima u kojima su učesnici pričali svoje priče. Priče su zatim sastavljene, stvarajući vizuelni narativ razumljiv čak i onima koji nikada nisu doživeli sličnu situaciju.
An animated documentary about the NATO airstrikes that occurred in 1999 in the former Yugoslavia. We can get a glimpse of the events through the eyes of two young boys and their families. Through the combination of 3D animation and 2D rotoscopy, we can observe almost lifelike characters in a documentary manner, and dream sequences that can convey the fear that came with the war situation unfolding. The movie was inspired by interviews, where the subjects participating told their own stories. These stories were then put together, building up a visual narrative that’s understandable even for those who never experienced a similar situation.
Svetska premijera / World premiere
Molafon / Molaphone
Španija / Spain
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 14’ 32’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Daniel Padró
Produkcija / Produced by
Mar Targarona & Joaquin Padró
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Rodar y Rodar Cine S.L.
Francisko pokušava da raskine ugovor sa telefonskim operaterom. Ono što je trebalo da bude obična formalnost, pretvara se u kafkijansku noćnu moru.
Francisco is trying to cancel his contract with his phone provider. What was supposed to be a mere formality becomes a Kafkaesque nightmare.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Novi Vavilon / New Babylon
Holandija / Netherlands
Animirani / Animation
2021 / 20’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Gideon van der Stelt
Glume / Cast
Bram Suijker, Tine Cartuyvels, Titus Muizelaar, Dionne Verwey
Nemogući grad je sastavljen od ogromnih rotirajućih prstenova koji upravljaju životima svojih usamljenih stanovnika. Film prati tri lika koji žive povučeno i predstavlja vizuelno putovanje kroz depresivnu noć u kojoj se savremeni, individualistički život ogleda u kružnoj metropoli.
An impossible city is built up out of enormous rotating rings, steering the lives of its lonely inhabitants. The film follows three characters living secluded lives and is a visual trip through an oppressive night in which contemporary, individualistic life is reflected in a circular metropole.
Svetska premijera / World premiere
Pad kralja ibisa / Fall of the Ibis King
Irska / Ireland
Animirani / Animation
2021 / 10’
Režija i produkcija / Directed and produced by
Mikai Geronimo & Josh O’Caoimh
Scenario / Written by
Josh O’Caoimh
Animacija / Animated by
Mikai Geronimo, Giorgia McKenna, Josh O’Caoimh, Charles-Henri Sanson
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by
Damien Byrne
Glume / Cast
Sean McManus, Ava Farrel, Eoin O’Sullivan, Jack McHugh, Anna Lawlor, Conor McNally, Aisling Smith
Antagonista mračne opere je sve uznemireniji nakon nenadanog povratka bivšeg glavnog glumca.
The antagonist of a dark opera becomes increasingly unsettled following the unlikely return of the former lead actor.
Pesma goluba / Kënga e Pëllumbit / A Pigeon’s Song
Belgija / Belgium
Dokumentarni / Documentary
2021 / 16’ 12’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Eneos Çarka
Produkcija / Produced by
Frederic Nikolai
Producentska kuća / Production company
Autor filma čita dnevnike svog pradede pisane dok je robijao pod diktaturom Envera Hodže u kojima se stalno pominje golub na prozoru ćelije. Pesma tog goluba se čuje i danas i zatvara krug porodične istorije.
While reading the diaries of his great-grandfather, imprisoned during the dictatorship of Hoxa in Albania, the director recognises the pigeon outside his window that kept him company during his incarceration. A short circuit leads him to reflect on the open wounds of family history.
Regionalna premijera / Regional premiere
Poenta priče / Punto de giro / Plot Point
Španija / Spain
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 08’ 06’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Ainhoa Menéndez
Produkcija / Produced by
Ainhoa Menéndez & Nuria Landete
Glume / Cast
Marta Guerras, Vito Sanz
Klara i Luis se svađaju. Nije im prvi put i uvek je tema ista. Klarin posao je prepreka Luisovoj želji da ima porodicu.
Clara and Luis have an argument. It’s not the first and it’s always over the same issue. Clara’s job interferes with Luis’ desire to have a family.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Poslednji dah / Dame Akhar / Last Breath
Iran / Iran
Igrani / Fiction
2020 / 9’ 27”
Režija / Directed by
Farshid Ayoobinejad
Scenario / Written by
Shiva Shiri, Farshid Ayoobinejad
Produkcija / Produced by
Rahman Haseli
Glume / Cast
Omid Shahmoradi, Morteza Najafi, Saeid Ahmadi, Hamed Sheikhi, Reza Nili
Tek pridošli vojnik u zatvoru dobija naređenje da pogubi zatvorenika izmicanjem stolice ispod njegovih nogu, ali on ne želi da ubije i da ga grize savest, tako da preduzima rizične radnje kako bi izbegao izvršenje naređenja. Zbog toga mu se dešavaju neočekivane stvari.
A newcomer soldier of the jail is ordered to execute a prisoner (to push the stool beneath his feet), but he is afraid of killing a person and feels guilty, so he takes some risky and dangerous actions to indirectly avoid following the orders. As a result, unexpected events happen to him during that time.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Priručnik / Handbuch / Handbook
Nemačka, Belorusija / Germany, Belarus
Dokumentarni / Documentary
2021 / 26’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Pavel Mozhar
Produkcija / Produced by
Kolja Wolle, Pavel Mozhar
Nakon predsedničkih izbora u Belorusiji u avgustu 2020, širom zemlje izbijaju brojni protesti. Specijalna policija preduzima brutalne akcije protiv demonstranata. Uhapšeno je skoro 7000 ljudi. Stotine žrtava prepričavaju svoja iskustva u intervjuima, otkrivajući sistem represije, dok režiser u Berlinu sve to uredno beleži.
After the presidential election in Belarus in August 2020, numerous protests erupt throughout the country. The special police take brutal action against demonstrators. Almost 7000 people are arrested. Hundreds of victims recount their experiences in interviews, revealing a system of repression, which is reconstructed in the director’s room in Berlin.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Prođoh jednom / Once I passed
Nemačka / Germany
Eksperimentalni / Experimental
2022 / 10’
Režija i produkcija / Directed and produced by
Martin Gerigk
Volt Vitmen je jedan od najznačajnijih pesnika američke književnosti. Bilo je mnogo nagađanja o njegovom privatnom životu. Vitmen nikada nije javno pisao o svojim vezama. Godine 1860. objavio je pesmu „Prođoh jednom kroz mnogoljudni grad“, aforističan prikaz romantične veze s nepoznatom ženom. Godine 1925. otkrivena je originalni rukopis pesme. Vitmen međutim,ne piše o ženi, već o ljubavnoj vezi s muškarcem u anonimnom gradu, što je možda bilo njegovo prvo iskustvo fizičke ljubavi.
Walt Whitman is one of the most important poets in American literature. Many have speculated about his private life to this day. Whitman never wrote publicly about his relationships. In 1860, he published his poem Once I Passed Through a Populous City, an aphoristic account of a romantic relationship with an unknown woman. In 1925, the original handwritten copy of the poem was discovered. Whitman writes, however, not about a woman but about an affair with a man in an anonymous city, which may have been his first physical experience of love.
Svetska premijera / World premiere
Severni pol / Северен Пол / North Pole
Severna Makedonija / North Macedonia
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 14’ 59’’
Režija / Directed by
Marija Apčevska
Produkcija / Produced by
Robert Naskov
Glume / Cast
Antonija Belazelkoska, Luka Mitev
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Kino Oko / Servia Films
Maglovito polje, puna svlačionica. Margo ne pripada ni tu, ni tamo. Možda bi konačno našla svoje mesto ako bi izgubila nevinost.
Misty field, crowded locker room. Margo belongs to neither. Maybe if she loses her virginity, she will finally find her place.
Sijera / Sierra
Estonija / Estonia
Animirani / Animation
2022 / 15’ 57”
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Sander Joon
Animacija / Animated by
Henri Veermäe, Valya Paneva, Teresa Baroet, Sander Joon
Produkcija / Produced by
Erik Heinsalu, Aurelia Aasa
Producentska kuća / Production company
BOP Animation OÜ
Otac i sin gube trku. Da bi pobedili, dečak se pretvara u automobilsku gumu. Inspirisan detinjstvom režisera, film nas uvlači u nadrealni svet automobilskih trka.
A father and his son are losing the folk race. In order to win, the boy turns himself into a car tire. Loosely inspired by the director’s childhood, film pulls us into the surreal car racing world.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Sloboda je na otvorenom / Outside Is Free
Španija / Spain
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 16’ 45’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Antoni Sendra
Produkcija / Produced by
Lorena Torres
Glume / Cast
Àngel Fígols Llorach, Raúl Navarro, Laura Valero, Guille Zabala, Leo de Bari
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
The Fly Hunter SL
Biciklista pada tokom treninga. Leži teško povređen i nepokretan usred planine. Pojava jednog psa će odlučiti sudbinu njegovog opstanka.
A cyclist suffers a training accident. Badly injured and unable to move, he is trapped in the mountain. The appearance of a dog will mark the fate of his survival.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Svaki umetnik za sebe, svi zajedno nikad / Svaki je umjetnik za sebe, svi zajedno nikad / Every Artist by Themselves, Never Quite Together
Hrvatska / Croatia
Eksperimentalni / Experimental
2021 / 8’ 20’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Jelena Blagović
Produkcija / Produced by
Vanja Sremac
Producentska kuća / Production company
Terminal 3
Reminiscencija prijateljstva s velikim umetnikom i eksperimentatorom filma Goranom Trbuljakom, inspirisana njegovim filmovima i umetničkim radom „Monografije“. Dijalog autorke s Trbuljakovim fiktivnim monografijama i njihova aproprijacija, uz ispitivanje važnosti i vrednosti formalnog priznanja kome većina umetnika teži – sopstvenoj monografiji.
A reminiscence of friendship with the great artist and experimental filmmaker Goran Trbuljak, inspired by his films and his artistic work Monographs. The author’s dialogue with Trbuljak’s fictitious monographs and their appropriation, questioning the importance and value of the formal recognition that most artists aspire to – their own monograph.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Tramvaj / Tramwaj / Tramway
Poljska / Poland
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 22’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Bartosz Reetz
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by
Michał Sadowski, Michał Żuberek
Glume / Cast
Marta Kurzak, Krzysztof Koła, Fabian Laskowski, Jacek Tarkawian
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Sartoris Film, King House
Tramvaj izlazi ujutru iz garaže. Nastavnica geografije kreće na posao. Slučajan susret u tramvaju budi u njoj davno uspavane želje.
A tram leaves the depot in the morning. As a geography teacher in her mid-thirties takes her daily commute to work, an accidental meeting in the tram awakens long-dormant desires.
Svetska premijera / World premiere
Ugrožena ljubav / El amor amenazado / Threatened love
Španija / Spain
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 15’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Héctor Herce
Produkcija / Produced by
Diego Saniz, Manu Manrique
Glume / Cast
Dario de Maturana, Mitch Martín, Elena Urdiales
Producentska kuća / Production company
Kabiria Films
Aleks i Feliks čekaju da se Marga vrati sa odmora. Oboje su zaljubljeni u nju. I dok čekaju, maštaju…
Alex and Félix wait for Marga to return from her vacation. They are both in love with her. And while they wait, they fantasize…
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Varša / Warsha
Francuska, Liban / France, Lebanon
Igrani / Fiction
2022 / 15’ 42’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Dania Bdeir
Produkcija / Produced by
Coralie Dias
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Inter Spinas Films
Mohamed je kranista koji radi u Bejrutu. Jednog dana se dobrovoljno javlja da preuzme jednu od najviših i najopasnijih dizalica u Libanu. Daleko od svih pogleda, sada može da ostvari svoj san i nađe slobodu.
Mohammad is a crane operator working in Beirut. One morning, he volunteers to take on one of Lebanon’s tallest and notoriously most dangerous cranes. Away from everyone’s eyes, he can live out his secret passion and find freedom.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Vesti / Real News
Švajcarska, Srbija / Switzerland, Serbia
Igrani / Fiction
2021 / 18’ 17’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Luka Popadić
Produkcija / Produced by
Luka Popadić, Rajko Jazbec, Jovana Nikolić, Marko Stanković
Glume / Cast
Ryan Whittle Nebojša Ljubišić – Ljuba, Jane Slavin
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Prababa Production, Catpics, Stanković & sinovi
NATO bombardovanje Srbije 1999. godine. Džejms, mladi novinar na svom prvom zadatku u inostranstvu, susreće se s apsurdnom realnošću pravljenja vesti i prinuđen je da bira između karijere i moralnih principa.
NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999. James, a young journalist on his first deployment abroad, is faced with the absurd reality of news production and is forced to choose between his career and his moral code.
Regionalna premijera / Regional premiere
Francuska / France
Dokumentarni / Documentary
2020 / 19’ 11’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Nicolas Gourault
Produkcija / Produced by
Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Le Fresnoy, Studio national
Nesreća sa smrtnim ishodom, između samovozećeg automobila i pešaka, pokreće istragu o ulozi ljudi u pripremi automobila bez vozača. Svedočanstva operatera vozila nas vode kroz noćnu smenu u kojoj se pejzaž spaja sa podacima senzora automobila.
A deadly accident between a self-driving car and a pedestrian sets off an investigation about the role of human workers in the training of driverless cars. Testimonies from vehicle operators guide us through a night shift where the landscape merges with data from the car’s sensors.
Srpska premijera / Serbian premiere
Selekciona komisija takmičarskog programa 69. Martovskog festivala:
Dragana Latinović, rediteljka i producentkinja
Darko Ković, snimatelj, montažer, reditelj i producent
Igor M. Toholj, filmski i TV montažer, autor dokumentarnih i eksperimentalnih filmova
Ivan Velisavljević, dramaturg i filmski kritičar
Umetnički direktor Martovskog festivala: Dejan Dabić
Martovski festival – 69. Beogradski festival dokumentarnog i kratkometražnog filma biće održan od 29. marta do 2. aprila 2022. godine u Domu omladine Beograda, koji je i organizator događaja.