DOB Gallery is accepting submissions for exhibitions in the year 2013 (48th season).

The competition is open from June 1st until July 1st of the year 2012. This call is for individual artists working in all media, as well as curatorial exhibitions/projects proposals. Participants must be under 40 years old, from Serbia and from abroad. The DOB Gallery Council puts forward the final decision of the chosen projects for their exhibition.

Applications should be preferably sent in electronic form to the following e-mail addresses: or, along with name, surname and title of the exhibition/project which should be in the subject of an e-mail. The project of the exhibition cannot be additionally changed from the moment the project has been approved.

Applications should contain:

1. Text file (word doc) with basic data of the applicant (name, surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number), CV and short presentation of previous work (maximum 2000 characters including spaces).
2. Presentation of your works, a description of the setting up and mounting, and technical specification (maximum 3000 characters). The visual documentation  implies: reproductions of paintings, drawings, installations, video stills etc. – up to 10 pictures with a title, date, dimension, medium, links for additional sound, video or internet presentations. The file of the presentation should be in PDF format, which should not be bigger than 800 kb. In order to make a PDF document of 800kb it is important that your visual material has the following characteristics: JPG format, 1024 x 768 pixels (or a wider page 1024 pixels), resolution – 72 dpi, image options: file size – 5 medium. The name of the PDF document should be “name_lastname.pdf” (for example: john_smith.pdf).
3. Proposal for additional programs during your own exhibition can be sent in the form of text. You can send a proposal for different forms of discussions, public guidance, as well as presentations of different curatorial projects (maximum 3000 characters).

All interested can contact Dom omladine through the e-mail address: or number +381 11 3220 127

The final results will be announced at at the end of september of the year 2012.

The competition participants may take over their competition material from the moment of the announcement of competition results, and until the 15th of October of 2012 the latest. After that, DOB Gallery takes no responsibility for those materials.

The competition material of the participants which obtain a term for exhibiting in the DOB Gallery in 2013 will stay in Dom Omladine Beograd until the realisation of the exhibition.

The exhibiting conditions and prerequisites are defined additionally by contract.
