Odbor Festivala i Dom omladine Beograda obaveštavaju publiku da se odlaže 67. izdanje Martovskog festivala, zbog novonastale situacije sa koronavirusom i u skladu sa merama o obustavljanju javnih skupova, donetim od strane nadležnih organa Republike Srbije radi suzbijanja daljeg širenja zaraze.

Umesto u ranije planiranom terminu (od 25. do 29. marta), ovogodišnji Beogradski festival dokumentarnog i kratkometražnog filma biće održan naknadno, u skladu sa daljom epidemiološkom situacijom i preporukama nadležnih organa.
Sve nove informacije biće blagovremeno objavljene i dostupne na www.martovski.rs i www.domomladine.org.
The Festival Board and the Belgrade Youth Center announce that, due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the restrictions of public gatherings imposed by the authorities of the Republic of Serbia aiming to constrain the further spread of the disease, the 67th Martovski Festival is being postponed.
Instead of the previously scheduled date (March 25-29), the new date of this year’s Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival will be announced later, depending on the further epidemiological situation and recommendations of the authorities.
All info and updates will be available at www.martovski.rs and www.domomladine.org.